What platforms are supported for Macromedia Flash playback?
What version of the Flash Player are the SWF files exported from Image2SWF compatible with?
What file formats are supported for importing?
The Macromedia Flash file format (SWF) (pronounced "swiff") delivers vector graphics and animation over the Internet to the Macromedia Flash Player. For more information regarding Flash, please see our General FAQ.
Macintosh OS 9.x, OS 10.x
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP
The SWF files produced are compatible with the Flash Player version 6 and up. If you are publishing Projector files, the Flash Player is not needed, and thus the minimum Flash version is irrelevant.
BMP, GIF, JPEG, Photoshop (PSD), PICT, PNG, Targa (TGA), Tiff.