What platforms are supported for Macromedia Flash playback?
How many people have the Macromedia Flash Player installed?
SWF 'n Slide won't run or start up. What should I do?
SWF 'n Slide won't remain registered. What should I do?
What version of the Flash Player are the SWF files exported from SWF 'n Slide compatible with?
What file formats are supported for importing?
The Macintosh Projector files crash when I try to play them. What should I do?
The Checker transition does not work. How do I fix this?
The Macromedia Flash file format (SWF) (pronounced "swiff") delivers vector graphics and animation over the Internet to the Macromedia Flash Player.
Macintosh OS 9.x, OS 10.x
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP
The Macromedia Flash Player is installed on over 97% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide and a wide range of popular devices.
Check to see if you have all of the current system requirements to run the program.
If running Macintosh OS X, make sure you are running the program under a User which has administrative privileges when you register the program.
SWF 'n Slide creates SWF flies that are compatible with the Flash Player version 5 and up. If you are publishing Projector files, the Flash Player is not needed.
For images, SWF 'n Slide supports BMP, GIF, JPEG, PDF (Mac OS X), Photoshop (PSD), PICT, PNG, Targa (TGA), and TIFF. For audio, SWF 'n Slide supports AIFF, MP3, System 7 Sound (Mac OS 9), and Wave (WAV).
If running Macintosh OS 9.x, try allocating more memory to the projector file.
Try making the duration longer for the transition. When the slideshow size is larger than the default (300x200), the transition occurs to quickly and looks like it just fades in all at once.